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- 'Summer' is almost over here .... ;(

- It is migraines' week.... ;(

The Valentine's day Academy Award presents....

Feb 14

Oh my freakin god!!! I have to say I was wondering how I would feel for that valentine s day today: depressed? will I stay home to avoid cuddling couple in the street? Well, I have to say that I had my best valentine s morning by watching the Jerry Springer Show: OMG, it includes 4 women, 1 man, a dozen kicks and fights, more than a thousand f@#$ or B@#$% well mostly BIP and BIIIIIP and BIIIIIIIIIP, 10 security guys, a bit of blood, and sooooooo many desperation!!!
It is about a 28 years old woman who went in jail for robbing no sorry an attempt to rob a bank who who wants to marry a 19 years old guy but the mother in law and her daughter hates her *how surprising* First is the 28 years old woman who definitively needs to go to the dentist when u see the brownish color of her teeth. Here come the sister of the dude she wants to marry, the knacker style, who says f@#$% every 2 words, then the mother who truly look like a men, she s 6 foot tall, she obviously does not wear any bra, since the only thing u can see between her 2 'friends' it s her navel! then an other series of f@##$ words, at that stage u think, at least if they are fighting for him he should be worth it, LOL, here come the groom, my god, the worst haircut and mustache then wait for it the EX girlfriend is coming!!!!!! How can people would be dumb enough to make fool of themselves!!! And wait for the Grand Finale, as it is Valentine s day, they got married on stage!!!! with a couple of fights in between!

Anyway, let s on to the purpose of my title....*drum roll please*
Ladies bloggers and Gentlemen bloggers, Me, Myself and I are thrill to present you the 1st Ceremony of the Valentine Academy Award here in Blogville (as far as I know).

After hours of consultation, fights and finally agreement between me, myself and I we are here to present you the Valentine Awards of 2009.
The winner of the 'The Heartfelt' Valentine Award is:

My sweet Hems for his very touching post he wrote for Valentine s day... Love is lost but never dead.

The winner of the 'The Cupid' Valentine Award is:

Y2A for the best love story between a human and Cupid see Cupid and me :)

The winner of the 'The Happy Single' Valentine Award is:

Anil with his wonderful post on being happy and single on Valentine s day :P Being single ...

The winner of the 'The Best dedication' Valentine Award is:

Multimenon for his great dedication and thank u soooo much for the red roses :) Expressions Unlimited...

The winner of the 'The Lovable Post' Valentine Award is:

Ria for her great post for V day when she asked us to dedicate something to someone and choose a heart and describe it, I wish her a greeeeeeaaat time with her bf today :) V-day...

The winner of the 'The Poetic Hoper' Valentine Award is:

My cute Rainyboy always here to deliver a great poem, still hoping that one day he will find a girl for him ...In the running...btw i love the music u put on ur blog :)

The winner of the 'The Looking-4-a' Valentine Award is:

Sourish, now I m talking to the ladies only, Girls if u are looking for a fun lovable and sweet man go check out his valentine s ad :) Search for a valentine ...

The winner of the 'The Funny' Valentine Award is:

Chrizzz yeah how can it be a surprise, no matter which day it is it is always a post with a pinch of humor! The legendary Chrizz is giving us a special song for all the love birds in his post Cupid has a bad aim ... By the way u re cute with ur new long hair haircut style Mister :P

And finally, a special award
the 'The Anti V-day' Valentine Award is going to someone truly special

Keshi because with Keshi it s Valentine s day EVERY DAY, there is no special day for her to spread the Keshi's Love... she s giving it all every single day... darling i hope u re feeling my tiny little presence all the way from Ireland :) Alone but wonderful tonight...

Now to all my Bloggers People I wish u all a day full of love, be free today to give me some love, or a smile will be more than enough you take care People.

38 people read it till the end and comment on it ;):

Balvinder Balli said...

Wow !!! i am the first one to arrive here. Happy Valentine's Day Cess and a lovely post this one.

AB said...

wow... thanks so much!!!!!!!
A happy Valentine day to you as well.. and big hugs and thanks to you!!!!!!!!!!!

Yippy! I want to dedicate this award to all those girls who thought I was transparent!

ceedy said...

Happy V-day....go fight with somebody...on the BUS :P

Anil Sawan said...

o m g.. thts so sweet of you.. i got a place in the first series of the Valentine Academy Award!!! its such a honor!!

happy valentine's day to u too cessie.. luv u :)


Anonymous said...

Congrats ! Congrats ! Congrats !
Partyyyyyyyyyy ???

Keshi said...

awwwwwwwww u hv the biggest heart in Blogville hun! What a 'wonderful' way to make ur loved-ones feel ur strong 'presence' in their lives. U did it the best!

ty ty ty for the very APT award for me! u wudnt believe it, I used that same pic on one of my former V-day posts lol! great minds think alike ha? ;-) HUGS!

And every other award u gave to Ria, Bro, Hemz etc etc r equally apt as their V-day posts touched the many different faces of V-day. Simply love ur idea here, u just rock Cess babez!

**And wait for the Grand Finale, as it is Valentine s day, they got married on stage!!!! with a couple of fights in between!

LOL LOL LOL! Im not surprised cos Springer shows r always like that...crazy big fellas on stage punching each other and then suddenly they're like 'aww dahlin I love ya so much...sniff sniff' and then they get married!

Hey single pretty gal, I know wut u mean abt couples coochee-cooing grossly in public...makes me wanna tell em off Happy F'n Vals Day to ya lol!


rainboy said...

thanks a ton dear

happy Valentine's day to you...
bearhugs frenchess

how was the day???

Hemanth Potluri said...

i think i am late to comment here..:(...thnks sooo much sweet heart for the wonderful award..i am touched in all ways..i was not expecting this much for my short story...loads of love for the beautiful award..:)..


heheh same people think alike :)...good :)..

have a gr8 sunday


Shravan Vijayaprasad said...

Yay! Congrats to everyone who's won awards! :):)

Happy Valentine's day Cess!

Rià said...

hey thanks a ton for tht lovely award babe! :) U made my say even more special. :D

Keshi said...

Hemz hehehe...

Cess where r ya? Still sipping that red wine n eating strawberry chocs while dreaming of Brad Pitt? Snap out of it hun cos we miss ya here ;-)


♥ÐÅyÐяєÅмє®♥ said...

oh my god...
that was so sweet of u ..i m feeling like top of the seventh sky...wherevver that is :P


thanks for the academy awards :P

u kno even u r close to be a hag..u r an angel in disguise :P


thanks cessy...

SMM said...

Cess, where is my award?

***Makes a pouty face and runs off***

Si_Lee said...

no fair .. you din temme there were goin to be awards .. :(
hmmmph ! [not talking]


Nikhil Menon said...

Oh my gooooooodddd!!!!That was sooooo nice..I never thought I wud be appreciated this far..thanks a lot cessy,this does mean quite a lot to me.. :)

Take care..


Cяystal said...

Oh gaawd..the sweetness of this day had me all diabetic! :p.
that was a great V-day for al the award winnners..and even those who din't get any! :)
v-day is special..even though in a is like all other days..hope you had a great one Cessie. Muah!

Anila said...

aaaww that was lovely..

and gurl i soo liked ur new blog look.. sorry am here after a while so.. they say better late than never.. right..

hope u had a lovely v day :)

Cess said...

@ Balvinder
Hey thank u I thought u left my blog :(
happy V day to u to, sorry for the delay!

Cess said...

@ Abhi
thanks u too, and u re so very welcome
and lol to the dedication!

Cess said...


he he happy v day for u and i d rather stay away from the bus!

Cess said...

@ Sawan
U deserved it, ur post rocked it!

Cess said...

@ Hobo
Thanks, haven t think of a Blogville party for the awards, will think of it for next year :)

Cess said...

@ Keshi
++...U did it the best! ++
oh thanks sweetie

++I know wut u mean abt couples coochee-cooing grossly in public...makes me wanna tell em off Happy F'n Vals Day to ya lol!++
yeah i dunno if i thought they were more cz i was in a grumpy mood, frankly what i did was work at the office and played a zombie game wid some friends that night, how romantic it was!!! :)


Cess said...

@ oo7
u re welcome sweetie, as for my v day nothing fancy I actually worked then had a diner at a a friends place and I played a zombie game :)

Cess said...

@ Hems
u re very welcome sweetie, u deserved it, it was a great story.
Say hi to mini hems for me

Cess said...

@ Shrav
hey thanks and happy V day for u too

Cess said...

@ Ria

thanks sweetie, u deserved it, how was ur V day btw?

Cess said...

@ Keshi

hey sorry, have been sick, migraine for 3 days, then for whatever reason i got a bad reaction to the vaccines i got to go to india, so spent a really bad beginning of the week, that s y i m only replying now, thanks for askin sweetie

Cess said...

@ Sou
grrrr u re still mentioning the hag grrrr mean mean Sou

Cess said...

u did not post for V day :( otherwise I would have found a good award title for u :)

Cess said...

@ bhai
well sweetie, it was a spontaneous act, plus u have in my heart the award of the Love valentine award with capital L, because i know how u love :)

Cess said...

@ MultiMenon
u are so very welcome, i m glad u like it so much :)

Cess said...

@ Crystal
thaaaanks for pasing by Aquarius, it s been a while i haven t seen u, i hope u had a great v day

Cess said...

@ ani
he he i m also late to reply u know, thanks, yeah i love the template a lot too :)
u have a great day sweetie

Keshi said...

aww TC luv!


Arshat Chaudhary said...

A very happy Valentine's day to you!!
Hugs and kisses.. :)
er.. I hope I dont sound too girlie!

Cess said...

@ Keshi

uw darling :)

Cess said...

@ arshat.chaudhary

u too, thank u for passing by :)
++ er.. I hope I dont sound too girlie!++ no don t worry he he u would be a rugbyman player yeah maybe :P