What else
- Waiting end of August to be back to France and see my family...
- 'Summer' is almost over here .... ;(
- It is migraines' week.... ;(
beeeezzzzzzyyyy as a beeeee.....
Hi lads as we say in Doblin, sadly i m soooo busy right now that i have barely time to reply to the comments on my own blog nor i have time to blog ;( I ve been busy like crazy at work and not in a good way, not the kind of way u can have a promotion or learn from it, no no crazy the kind like u re getting white hairs, migraine, and extra hours of works for no extra money and for what at the end, a constant depreciation, like i m a big failure, but i keep fighting, the only reason is because i want my holidays to go India, after that well they can go to hell... or f@#$ like Keshi said on her last post ...still with that economic crisis I have no idea where the hell I will go but we re not there yet.
The reason y I wanted to post a quick note now, it s because tomorrow a good friend of mine, I met her when I was in USA, she s from France and now living in London, she will come to visit tomorrow till sunday :) I ve never laugh so hard and so many time than when i am with her, I don t know y but we do have the same fun, and god knows how much fun I need right now so I won t be on the net that often ... then my last week of the month will be there and I will have to put extra extra extra extra effort to finish this month :( and on top of that I m expecting a visit on monday that I have been waiting for the past 6 weeks now :) the only good thing of the week i must say :)
Then again on tuesday i m busy and so on so again People I apologize for not being as much present as I d like to be on blogville, but hopefully, the first weekend of march i ll be more free to be online, more relieve I really hope so. In the mean time, don t forget me, keep posting!
The reason y I wanted to post a quick note now, it s because tomorrow a good friend of mine, I met her when I was in USA, she s from France and now living in London, she will come to visit tomorrow till sunday :) I ve never laugh so hard and so many time than when i am with her, I don t know y but we do have the same fun, and god knows how much fun I need right now so I won t be on the net that often ... then my last week of the month will be there and I will have to put extra extra extra extra effort to finish this month :( and on top of that I m expecting a visit on monday that I have been waiting for the past 6 weeks now :) the only good thing of the week i must say :)
Then again on tuesday i m busy and so on so again People I apologize for not being as much present as I d like to be on blogville, but hopefully, the first weekend of march i ll be more free to be online, more relieve I really hope so. In the mean time, don t forget me, keep posting!
Thursday, February 19, 2009 | Labelz: life |
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- a smile....
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- Trip to Vizag... met Hems!
- Trip to Coorg... Me Jane... where is Tarzan?
- Visiting Hyderabad
- I reached the Indian land :P
- The final countdown... D-2
- It's a date... April 4th :)
- This is quite the wrong size....is'nt it?
- beeeezzzzzzyyyy as a beeeee.....
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28 people read it till the end and comment on it ;):
i really do hope everything falls into place for u .. n u do have a lovely weekend.. n loadddss of fun partying ;)
aww how nice Cess! hv a great time with ur mate.
**@#$ like Keshi said on her last post
oyeah...thats the best way to feel good abt almost anything ;-)
have a good time with ur friend !
Buzz buzz
have a great time with ya frnd and dont take much load...we will be there on ur return :)
am happy for u di .. u deserve to be happy ... and stay happy always ..
Enjoy ! Enjoy ! Enjoy !
If that was a small quick note....damn arent wee lucky that you sat and did not write a proper post :P
have a good time...
Its okie babe!sometimes its good to b busy. :) So hav fun this weekend and dont forget to blog abt it. :P
Well you have the weeknd to look forward to Cess...have fun with your friend
well ...
Good friends wait.
It is a good time thats coming soon thats what I see ...
Enjoy the time Cess.
By the way does ur friend know about blog things?
Cess, u have been tagged, i would like to know the french perspective to holding hands:)
have a good time hun!
Come bak sooon ok??its so terribly bad..First hemz,then you and now keshi.. :(
Take care cessy.. :)
how did u spend ur time..hope it was cool :)...tc love..
@ Ani
hey sweetie, i m having a great weekend now, bit tired, but a great weekend!
@ Keshi
I know u re taking a break right now so u might not read this comment, but i hope everything will be all right for ya darlin!
tc of urself
@ Renu
I m enjoying my weekends :)
@ Sou
thanks sweetieQ!!!!!!!!!
@ Bhai
thanks so much, it means a lot for me u know.
@ Hobo
thank u thank u thank u
@ Ceedy
gggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrr, I forgot u have a sarcastic humor :P
@ Ria
hi sweetie, thanks, i ll try to blog about it :)
thanks u :P
@ Tarun
++It is a good time thats coming soon thats what I see ...++
i hope u still see a good time coming for me, specially around the 12th of march :)
and no my friend has better things to do than blog things.... well she has a life :P not like us :P
@ Shrav
thank uuuu!
@ Multimenon
hey, thank u sweetie, i m gonna be back don t worry about, u keep bloggin while i m off!
@ Hems
it was a great time, still it s a great time!
@ Renu
i will do the tag Renu, not right right right now, but i ll do it, u know i loooooooooove tag :)
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