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- 'Summer' is almost over here .... ;(
- It is migraines' week.... ;(
My favorite public transportation goes mad .....
For those who don t know, I am currently living in Dublin, capital of Ireland sorry of the Republic of Ireland (South only). And i m sure some of u know how much I 'love' this city, where we have 4 seasons in a day well lets say 3 usually the summer is missing.

Last sunday for instance, it was snowing in the morning, rainy then more or less sunny in the afternoon! U need 3 outfits per day :P

Anyway the reason why i m talking about Dublin it s because somehow i consider myself lucky, cause last week I could have die.... It was the morning, I got a mail at work in my inbox from a friend '42A goes cabrio', i was wondering what the hell he was talking about, I was guessing by the name of the title that he was referring to a bus since bus have that type of numbers. In the mail he simply sent us this LINK from rte and I quote:

Last sunday for instance, it was snowing in the morning, rainy then more or less sunny in the afternoon! U need 3 outfits per day :P

Anyway the reason why i m talking about Dublin it s because somehow i consider myself lucky, cause last week I could have die.... It was the morning, I got a mail at work in my inbox from a friend '42A goes cabrio', i was wondering what the hell he was talking about, I was guessing by the name of the title that he was referring to a bus since bus have that type of numbers. In the mail he simply sent us this LINK from rte and I quote:
'A Dublin Bus driver and 10 passengers escaped without serious injury after a bus crashed in Dublin city centre this morning. The roof came off the bus in the incident, however all passengers were seated in the lower section. The crash happened at around 8am when the bus collided with a tree near the Five Lamps on Amiens Street.'
Here the pics:

Now why am I talking about it, it s because I always well lets say 99% of the time specially when I am alone sitting on the top floor, first row, y? because being on the bus is boring and I want to have a better overview by sitting on the front or also i m sick in public transportation if i don t see the road when bus driver is driving. Anyway, I could have been there... lucky me I was not which confort me in a way that there is a good reason to pay a higher rent and live only 3 min walking from the office to avoid this type of incidents. Now, when u look at the pictures, u re thinking, how on hearth a damn tree could have destroy then entire first floor of a bus? how fragile can it be? Did they grow this tree with guiness? And why are they making double layer bus? crazy hum!

Now why am I talking about it, it s because I always well lets say 99% of the time specially when I am alone sitting on the top floor, first row, y? because being on the bus is boring and I want to have a better overview by sitting on the front or also i m sick in public transportation if i don t see the road when bus driver is driving. Anyway, I could have been there... lucky me I was not which confort me in a way that there is a good reason to pay a higher rent and live only 3 min walking from the office to avoid this type of incidents. Now, when u look at the pictures, u re thinking, how on hearth a damn tree could have destroy then entire first floor of a bus? how fragile can it be? Did they grow this tree with guiness? And why are they making double layer bus? crazy hum!
Take care people
PS: btw the title is ironic Bus is everything except my favorite transportation:)
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32 people read it till the end and comment on it ;):
I heard there's massive snow storms in Britain. It must be the same for Ireland then.
WOW wut on Earth got on to that bus LOL! Thank God u were nowhere close to it!
**Did they grow this tree with guiness?
haha good one Cess! Maybe the Bus didnt hv it's coffee that morning? awww...
And very cute pic of ya Cess! wut a look babez :)
It is always providence:), but thank god u were not in it:)
yeah... m sure either the driver was on Guinness or the tree actually grew drinking Guinness...
Guinness: "good things come to those who wait" chug chug chug
had to say that in love with it and you really stated n reflected Dublin in this post
Pics look good.
If the Trees were on guiness ... then I would love to taste the fruits.
incidents like this make us realize the value of life more and appreciate our life and moments more :)
OMG!thank god u were not traveling. One definitely feels lucky, i remember the time when there were blasts in the local trains of Mumbai way back in 2006, i felt lucky not to b in one of them coz i travel by train every single day!!
Btw u r looking really cute in tht oic of urs. :)
@ Keshi
About the driver he might have had a cold coffee (aka guiness) there is not time for a guiness, it s always the time for a guiness :P
@ Keshi
ah thanks for the pic, I took it myself, I tried a dozen before getting one not too bad :P
@ Hems
hope u re doing better Hems
@ Renu
yes indeed and I m glad I was not there! really!
@ Aevi
++the driver was on Guinness ++
it would not surprise me, l already took the cab with a drunken driver here.
++ had to say that in love with it and you really stated n reflected Dublin in this post++ thanks
@ Tarun
thanks and LOOOOOOOOL for the guiness fruits :P
@ xh
u are definitively true, sometimes i really consider myself lucky!
@ Ria
yeah like u it was not my time to leave this planet! Dunno when it s gonna be and i don t want to know when anyway!
u tc girl
what a place!! three seasons in a day!! whew!
Scribblers Inc.
Oh wow.we are suffering from sun storms.. :p
and poor keshi,she too is havin a bad tym I ges.. :(
U must tc wen ur makin tht decision to sit on the top floor frm now on I believe..anyways,even I love the buses tho they aren as good as the ones anywhere else in the world ftm.. :)
take care cessy..
hey cess..cud u tell me how u got des ads off this temp??I got one similar one tho ads appear quite unceremoniously.. :(
@Scribblers Inc
he he, well after almost 4 years i m not used to it really!!!
PS: it s good to have u back around, haven t seen u for a while :P
well for the bus i have a better decision AVOID THEM i d rather pay more and take the cab!!! plus i m less sick on the cab and i can still seat on the front :P
oups i forgot, for the ads, well i think i either remove them from the dashboard/layout or directly in the html code look for the anchor text and delete the code, click on preview before deleting everything or make a safe copy of the actual template in case u delete the wrong code :P
tell me if u need more help!
We call it Double-decker bus. I too love to sit on 1st floor but now I will be careful too.
: )
**(aka guiness)
I thought that was Irish Beer?
Wow..3 seasons in a day..Dats something. U r lucky really.
(btw, I luv snow ;))
Dat wz some horrible accident.
Again..Lucky u weren't in dat bus. Try nd avaoid dat top floor first row seat.
Damn am not sure if the tree had guiness but I bet ya the driver sure did have that after being saved....
Well should I say you were lucky and unlucky...
lucky you know y
but unlucky cause if you were there - you cld have sued everyone involved and then never have to travel by bus...just wear a helmet next time and duck everytime you see a tree...but take chances will ya
its good that you don't take bus to your workplace.
now u must be thinking about that front row...
i always sit on the Driver's side..in case of an mishap the driver will save himself and ultimately me too.
anyways..how's V-DAY???
take care n hugs
yes be careful never know, just watch out for the trees :)
@ Keshi
It is Irish beer yes :P y ? remember i m living in ireland :(
++. U r lucky really.++ really? don t think so trust, once u taste it u ll know :)
And yeah I ll try to avoid bus in general now :P
@ ceedy
++ but unlucky cause if you were there - you cld have sued everyone involved and then never have to travel by bus...++
yeah IF i survived it!!! U sounds so american when u say that :P
++i always sit on the Driver's side..in case of an mishap the driver will save himself and ultimately me too.++ LOOOL good thinking
++ anyways..how's V-DAY???++ lonely
take care
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