Check my new photo site :)

What else

- Waiting end of August to be back to France and see my family...

- 'Summer' is almost over here .... ;(

- It is migraines' week.... ;(

The last letter

It s 3 o clock in the morning when I first started to write that post on a piece of paper since I don t have internet at in my new place yet. For some reason I have some trouble finding some sleep since I moved, probably too much stuff to think about, i m sure my BP is about to explode right now.
Ironic it is when i said friday i won t leave, I guess i m a woman and I can change opinion easily over a weekend without internet, at least it made me realise something...
Years ago, I made a big mistake, I don t know if it s because of the way I ve been raised or just cz I m a silly naive French but I used to trust people to easily which caused me lot of troubles, disappointments, tears, anger and many more feelings I tried to avoid and more or less managed to for years now. I guess at some point, I slapped myself on the face and stop trusting people like that. It still take me lots of time now to trust people and therefore the number of my real friends have been consequently reduced. But after all I am a human and I make mistakes... and sometimes, rarely, but I make the same mistake twice. When i joined Blogville I became again the silly naive French I used to be and I trusted some People in no time. I have been so disappointed lately and the only person I should blame right now is myself because once again I repeated the same mistake. I guess it's even worst and ridiculous in blogville because I got attached to people I ve never met! In some way, Blogville is like the series 'Big Brothers'. I was the first one to make fun of these guys who pretend to be best friend forever even though they met each others 2 weeks ago. Living in a close environment like that people rely on each others faster than in real life. It' s like Blogville, when u spend like myself as much time as i used to spend I had the impression that some people were or became really close to me. But now it's like a 'pen friend': when I was a teenager I used to go to England for 3 weeks each year with a bunch of teens to learn english. I met lots of people who became 'friend' because we were all together stuck in a country where we could not understand much of the language. At the end of the 3rd week it was a sad moment to leave them all, promising to each others that we will still keep in touch and we did... the first months... we wrote letters for 3 months max then we moved on, I haven t kept in touch with one single person, and most of the time I was the last one sending a letter... I m still waiting for a reply...
Sadly, it looks the same in blogville now... more and more people leaves.. I sent some letters, still waiting for some reply, but i m not a teenager anymore, and patience has not been one of my qualities after all. I put some trust in some people and I m wondering if I made the right choice and it s bothering much that i m writing that damn post in the middle of the night.
For the past 3 months I had some good moments, and some disappointments, but i only blame me, I have been sad to many time to see people left Blogville. Frankly, right now I don t need anymore of that because I used to blog to make myself busy and forget about the fact that it is winter, that I don t belong where I am and that I was missing some company. But unfortunately Blogville became like Real life, with joy and disappointment and i won t be able to handle both Blogville and Real life at the same time right now. I know I know it sounds more dramatic than it is, it s 3AM in the morning, hard to put some coherence in my text and specially in english.
So this is my last letter for at least the next 3 months.
The end of the year is coming and i m gonna have to work my ass hard to finish properly and under pressure that business year. I will be on holidays for 2 weeks in France and since I miss terribly my family I won t be online much. As for the next months well I m guessing that my life won t get more exciting than it is now! So the reason why i said 3 months, it s because by march ... hopefully... I ll be ready to fly to India for 3 weeks of holidays and at least this time i will have something to blog about it with the thousand of pics i ll have in my camera... who knows maybe there I ll meet some of u guys :)
I will still pass by ur blogs ( i m still addicted to internet) and comment on it cz i still like to write.
Of course, I am gonna miss lots of people, I had some great moments, some laugh and learned so much from some of u guys and specially from my Indian friends, I already wanted to go to India but u guys made that desire increased so much during the past 3 months that no matter what happened in India, and whether some ass are trying to scared tourists to come to India, I will come to India, I hope it will be in March 2009 cause I have a wedding to attend but i'll be there.
It is time to put an end to that loooong final post of the year ( I might squeeze a small post for Xmas here :) I l still be online for those who want to stay in touch with me, u know how to reach me (for those who don t u have my email on my profile).
I ll be back fresh in 2009, don t know if u'll be around by that time so I m just gonna say 'Aurevoir' as 'Goodbye see u soon' for some and 'Adieu' as simply 'Goodbye' for some. In the meantime u take care people!

54 people read it till the end and comment on it ;):

Unknown said...

ah well the break will do you good. Even i am struggling to post on blog thanks to work pressure. Next year will be better! Enjoy your break and have great holidays.

Che said...

Err "Panasonic" will be me. Gah! Was logged in to client account on google and didnt realsie :(

Unknown said...

awwww u r leaving.. :( :(

but am sure u'll have loads of fun.. during christmas and then during ur break .. so have fun dearie.. cheerup.. christmas is not long.. and u will soon be home with family.. hugggzzzz

--xh-- said...

cant actually make you stay back - itz ur decision.. but you wil be missed dearly. though we have not interacted, i always looked forward to read your blogs... and the monday morning jokes and all those will be missed...

I hope you return to this place and I hope I will be around when you are back. My mail id is there in my profile - do keep in touch.

All the best for your future...

rainboy said...

You'll be missed...take care miss frenchy..


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

((((CESS)))) I have been gone on a break from sometime now...and it is a great feeling.. But as you I am addicted to some of the blogs I read so I had to come on and read....

Honey have a great time, re energize yourself and i know you'll have lots to share when back!!!


Hemanth Potluri said...


i am crying now...thats all i can say :'(...


Keshi said...

wut? :( I thought u told me not to quit and now ur qutting? I dunno wut to say anymore wut suits ya.

All the best!


Cess said...

@ Che/Panasonic ;)
Thanks I will enjoy my holidays trust me :D


Cess said...

@ Ani

Thanks Ani.
PS: i ll still be available online :) did u get a chance to have ticket to see Russel?

Cess said...

@ xh

Hey thanks for the nice comment from my first blogger who ever commented on my blog :)

PS: i ll add u to my email :)

Cess said...

Hi French cuty, thanks so much
PS: but i ll still bother u on gtalk :)

Cess said...



Cess said...


I hope my break will do me good too ;) I ll still be around to check out blogs anyway I just won t write posts for now :).



Cess said...

@ Hems Bond



PS: i ll still be there for u

Cess said...

@ Keshi

hey sweetie, I sent u a mail to explain u more in details y i did that, don t be mad!
take care and u go back on posting!

Prash said...

C'est quoi "blogville" ? Je n
ai pas trop compris...C'est ton entreprise ?

Je te souhaite de bonnes fetes en France (on me dit que ca caille, bon par rapport a l'Irlande, la France doit etre le paradis hahaha)...pense a moi quand tu mangeras du foie gras, du buchon et plein d'autres choses ...

Les vacances en Inde ? quel coin ?

Bonnes vacances et bonnes fetes !

Cess said...


Non non Blogville c'est comme un ensemble de bloggers, toi meme tu fais parti de la Blogville (Ville de Bloggers:)

Merci a toi aussi passes de bonnes fetes de fin d annee :) Et je penserais a toi en mangeant du foie gras, des gesiers de canard et autres saveurs :)

POur les vacances en Inde je pars dans le Sud de l Inde en commencant par Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Pundicherry, Goa... pendant 3 semaines :) Et toi tu viens d ou en Inde?

take care



have a refreshing break :)
ya deserve it sugar!

n as for blogville, yeah it is a second home, n like in real life- peopel move in and out..- n we all gotat dela with it..

Prash said...

ah bloworld se traduit en blogville...interessant !

Noel et Nouvel An ca sera a Hong Kong...qui est sympa !

pk ce periple dans le sud ? comment tu as fait le choix de ces villes ?

Je suis originaire du kerala mais j'ai vecu a Coimbatore (tu verras sur la carte), une ville dans l'etat du tamil nadu...tout pres du kerala ~! Kerala est un joli pays ~! J'aime bien Bangalore (assez cosmo et jeune et le climat est supportable). Chennai - j'ai horreur car l'humidite et la pollution ~! Goa, je ne connais pas n'ai jamais voulu y aller pour des raisons touristiques (hippies etc)..

Cess said...


Thanks for passing by and yeah you re right, have to deal with! :)



Cess said...

@ Prash

++ pk ce periple dans le sud ? comment tu as fait le choix de ces villes ?++ he he, au début je voulais faire toute l Inde...wrong idea :D, pkoi le Sud, je commence par Hydebarad puisque la boite pour laquelle je travaille a une equipe a Hyd que je dois rencontrer, Chennai parce que je le mariage d une amie, on m a deja dit qu il ferait tres humide la bas, moi vivant en Irlande je serais pas loin du choc thermique :D Bangalore parce que g des amis la bas et Goa parce que y a la mer :) Je retournerais surement faire le Nord un de ces 4, entre temps j aurais surement 2 ou 3 invit pour des mariages ;)

Ps: quand tu étais en France tu étais ou? Paris? as tu visité d autres endroits?

Prash said...

D'accord, tu n'es pas en voyage tout seul en back-pack...tu y vas pour rencontrer des collegues, des amis va etre chouette !

Quand tu visiteras le nord, tu verras la difference entre le nord et le sud. le nord est bcp plus "moghul" (= islam)...architecture etc...dans le sud, c'est plus dravidien et plus develope et plus moderne. A chennai, on parle pas trop "hindi", alors que "hindi" est une langue officielle de l'Inde. enfin, des histoires compliquees de l'Inde. Je te previens que l'humidite + chaleur + pollution d'air + pollution de bruit, ca va te tuer a Chennai ! mais, 'y en a qui ont adore cette ville, pas moi !

J'etais a Paris entre 2002 et 2006. J'adorais Paris et j'etais comme un poisson dans l'eau (tous mes amis s'inquietaient quand je leur annoncait que j'allais a HK). J'allais souvent a Draguigan (enfin, le village Flayosc) ou mes beaux-parents vivent. Je connais Nantes, Angers, Brest, Rennes, Lyon, Nimes, Montpellier, Nice, le Jura etc...c'est super ton pays !~

Mon copain et moi, on pense aller en France l'ete et non pas l'hiver. Donc, on y sera en juillet et aout pour des vacances.

Cess said...


Je serais en debut de voyage seule, seulement pour me rendre d une ville a une autre ensuite j aurais toujours un ami sur place, je prefere visiter avec les locaux qu avec d autres touristes :)

Pour Chennai, tu me fais flipper :) je vais clamser sous la chaleur, surtout que je suis invitee a un mariage et que je devrais porter une sari je vais mourir de chaud dedans :)

Bien evidemment que mon pays est super :) Moi je suis de Nimes :) mais j ai demenager un peu partout en France, mes parents habitent a Toulouse ou je serais la pendant Noel. J espere rentrer definitivement dans le sud de la France avant l ete prochain, ca fait plus de 3 ans que je suis en Irlande, et je ne m y suis jamais habituee :)
Peut etre qu on aura l occasion de se rencontrer cet ete si vous descendez dans le midi :D
Ps: si jamais tu utilises gtalk: :)

AB said...

Hii Cess. its me Abhinav again!
It's been a long while I commented.. Now I am back. missed you and your blog(Monday morning jokes to be precise) a lot...

take Care :)

AB said...

Have a enjoyable time ahead!

AB said...


Renu said...

But what about MMJ? will we get it or not?

Unknown said...

No dearie..

Did u manage to get one???
And do check out my blog.. there is something there for you :)

Gypsy Couple said...

enjoy ur break ...!

Cess said...


Hey abhi u arrive when i m leaving ;( well i hope u re doing well dear and take care when i m on break ;)


Cess said...

@ Renu

Hi, i dunno, i ll try to post an MMJ when i have time, it won t every monday though :) but i ll try my best ;)


Cess said...

@ Ani

no i did not get one ;(
I ll pass by ur blog soon :)


Keshi said...

ok I wanna see ur hair extensions then.

*this is a hot try to get Cess bak into posting!*

;-) miss ya luv!


Prash said...

coucou, je t'ai invite sur gmail pour un gtalk ! ;-) mon email est -

Amities du port parfume ! (Hong Kong = port parfume en chinois)

Rià said...

Oh so now u r on a break too! :( Hope to c u back soon!! Take care and hav a good time.

Renu said...

u have been tagged:)

Zubin said...

You are leaving? :O

Well everyone needs a break...You'll be missed... :)

but whats seriously going on...V has stopped writing..preeti changed her blog..che is less frequent..keshi went away..?? and all this when I myself wasn't reading or writing..!!

And oh..about the part that says..friends "on the blogville" aren't real..maybe you are true..

but as per my belief... friends are not forever..only memories are...and if they are good, cherish them :)

have a great time..and do come back..and Ohh...march is the month my b'day falls in.. :)

Keshi said...

Zubin wait..did Cess say friends on the net arent real? :*(


Cess said...

@ Keshi
i ll mail u a pic of my hair extensions :)

Cess said...

@ Ria

Thanks sweetie, a break will do me good, i ll be back fresh :)



Cess said...

@ Renu

Thanks for the tag, it will be my first tag when i m back :)

PS: keep tagging me :P

Cess said...

@ zubin

he he, thanks for finally coming to my blog, before I left u ve been urself rare on the blogville :P

i ll be back next year, for march :) When it s ur bday btw?
Tell me where u live in India, I might pass by :P

Cess said...

@keshi and Zubin
And oh..about the part that says..friends "on the blogville" aren't real..maybe you are true..++
I haven t said that at all, actually I said that Blogville is becoming more and more like Real Life that s y I was not able at that time of the year to handle both of it. I certainly made some hopefully real friends that i would be delighted to meet when i ll be in India except for Keshi cauze she s in Australia ;( (but i ll come visit Australia some days for sure, it s on my travel list, and I hope Kesh that maybe in 2 or 3 years when i m coming to Australia we will still be real friends by now ;)

U both take care


Keshi said...

aww im glad u didnt say that then @ Cess. tnxx for the clarification sweetz! :)

I feel friendship dun need a specific medium for it to be REAL. Net or not, those hearts that know how to CONNECT, will connect :)



Cяystal said...

Loads and loadsa apologies for not coming to your blog on a regular basis. I know I'm awful :'(

Have a happy new year and Merrry X-mas,Cesssie!


Renu said...

Wish u merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !

Cess said...

no need to apologize, as u can see by my last post i haven t been very present in the blogville lately, so thanks for STILL passing by.
U too have a great Xmas!



Cess said...


U too Renu Merry Xmas, thanks for passing by and had a thought for me.


Cяystal said...

Will you be back by 2009? :D

Hemanth Potluri said...

hi sweetie :)

Sameera Ansari said...

Seasons' Greetings to you dear :)

I hope you change your mind about leaving here...

Rashi said...

nice !