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What else

- Waiting end of August to be back to France and see my family...

- 'Summer' is almost over here .... ;(

- It is migraines' week.... ;(

I m getting married....

... just kidding ;( but at least my friend Mag is getting married which is good for her right, and I will be able to go to south of France on september, enjoy the sun, the food, see family and friends, far away from Ireland.
So this weekend, since the last time I went to a wedding it was 2 years, and by that time it was during winter so obviously I can not wear the same outfit, I decided to go to wedding shopping. And the weirdest part is that I decided that this time I will wear a dress, u might think, well why weird right, obviously u are a woman so you can wear dress? Well in my case, wearing a dress has never been an easy thing to do, first of all because I ve never found one where i can fit it, wait a minute... I have no problem, finding skirt, neither dress where i can easily wear the bottom of it, however since proportionally my upper body has more volume (by volume I have two of them if u know what I mean) than my lower part, so finding something where i can fit the upper part was ok, however the lower part of my body was basically swimming in the outfit with all the space he had for... So saturday morning was my challenge, I went to a shop and finally I found one...which I think is beautiful... without too much pain I have to say, you can find my beautiful dress HERE, the funny part, if we can say that, is that the upper body is so tight that i don t need to wear anything underneath, I tried a bigger size but my lower body was swimming again, I won t complain, I might have to problem to breeze after the restaurant but hey, apparently as a woman u need to suffer to be beautiful....
On saturday s night, I went to Viviane s leaving party, she is Sebastien aka Momo 's girlfriend, a colleague of mine। It was a drinking nite, where we got some kimchi rice, which is a korean dish। They re going to Korea for a month। The funny part of the night was actually Momo, where he tried a couple of presents that he got for his birthday in february and haven t eat yet, it is worth a look and he will probably kill me for updating them on my blog but he deserves it.

Next to him you can see Adel, his new flatmate from month of september, u can already see how well they seem to be close ;)
Now, on monday, something incredible happened, it was sunny!!!! even hot, can you believe it, well when i say hot, nothing compare to south of france or india, but for ireland it was hot, so we start thinking, OMG can it be possible summer this year, really, can we get some hope, I mean it is really hot in south of france, so I can imagine we can have some as well here, until I looked at the forecast.... see for yourself, it passes all comments.... I need a drink ;( And just to make it worst I m putting as well the forecast of where i m from Nimes...

1 people read it till the end and comment on it ;):

Gayatri said...

lol! that weather in Ireland is shocking. Btw the dress is really pretty :)